Numerical Approximations For Differential Equations

We are considering the spring model

\frac{d^2 z}{d t^2} + C \frac{d z}{d t} + K z = 0, \\[10pt]
z(0) = 2 \quad , \quad \frac{dz}{dt}(0) = -C

with parameters \(\Theta = [K,C]\) (here \(K\) denotes stiffness due to Hooke’s Law and \(C\) denotes a damping action; the mass \(m\) of the object is seen to be one from the presentation of the differential equation and initial conditions).

Our goal is to use the complex-step approximation to compute the sensitivities \(\frac{\partial z(t)}{\partial K}\) and \(\frac{\partial z(t)}{\partial C}\) for \(K=20.5\) and \(C = 1.5\). We also employ finite-difference methods, and compare them to the analytic values:

\frac{\partial z}{\partial K} = e^{-Ct/2} \frac{-2t}{\sqrt{4K – C^2}} \sin\left(\sqrt{K-C^2/4} \cdot t \right) , \\[15pt]
\frac{\partial z}{\partial C} = e^{-Ct/2} \left[ \frac{Ct}{\sqrt{4K-C^2}} \sin \left(\sqrt{K-C^2/4} \cdot t \right) – t \cos\left(\sqrt{K-C^2/4} \cdot t \right) \right]

In general, complex-step analysis is performed by computing \(f'(t) \approx \frac{\text{Im}\left[f(t+ih)\right]}{h}\) for small \(h\). This is similar to the finite-difference approximation \(f'(t) \approx \frac{f(t+h)-f(t)}{h}\), though when dealing with analytic functions, complex-step is often preferred. We can use these methods to approximate our sensitivities. In doing so, we allow time to vary from 0 to 5 and choose a step-size of \(h=10^{-10}\).

Comparison of means
Comparison of standard deviations

For the first parameter \(K\), our approximations match the analytic solution nicely. For the second parameter \(C\), our numerical approximations agree, but do not do a great job approximating our solution. One potential explanation is that \(\frac{\partial z}{\partial C}\) has an extra trigonometric function, so may be harder to approximate.

%%%1a. Specify Parameters And Initial Conditions%%%
k = 20.5;                       %Stifness%
c = 1.5;                         %Damping%
z0 = 2;                          %IC 1%
dz0 = -c;                       %IC 2%
t = linspace(0,5,1000);  %generate 1k/5=200 pts times every s%

%%%1b. Specify Step Sizes%%%
%Complex Step: f' \approx \frac{Im(f(x+ih))}{h}%
%Finite Difference: f' \approx \frac{f(x+h)}{h}
h_cs = 10^(-10);          %Complex step step size%
h_fd = 10^(-10);          %Finite difference step size%

%%%1c. Solve ODE%%%
function z = z_solution(t, k, c, z0, dz0)
    omega = sqrt(k - (c^2)/4);
    A = z0;
    B = (dz0 + (c/2) * z0) / omega;
    z = exp(-c*t/2) .* (A * cos(omega*t) + B * sin(omega*t));
spring_model = @(t, k, c) z_solution(t, k, c, z0, dz0); 

%%%1d. Complex Step Approximation%%%
dzdk_cs = imag(spring_model(t, k + h_cs*1i, c)) / h_cs;
dzdc_cs = imag(spring_model(t, k, c + h_cs*1i)) / h_cs;

%%%1e. Finite Difference Approximation%%%
dzdk_fd = (spring_model(t, k + h_fd, c) - spring_model(t, k, c)) / (h_fd);
dzdc_fd = (spring_model(t, k, c + h_fd) - spring_model(t, k, c)) / (h_fd);

%%%1f. Analytic Solution (Given)%%%
dzdk_true = @(t, k, c) exp(-c*t/2) .* ...
                     (-2*t ./ sqrt(4*k - c^2)) .*...
                     sin(sqrt(k - c^2/4) * t);
dzdt_true = @(t, k, c) exp(-c*t/2) .* ...
                     (t .* cos(sqrt(k - c^2/4) * t) - c*t ./ sqrt(4*k - c^2)) .* ...
                     sin(sqrt(k - c^2/4) * t);

%%%1g. Plot Results%%%
plot(t, dzdk_cs, 'r-', t, dzdk_fd, 'b--', t, dzdk_true(t, k, c), 'g-.');
legend('Complex Step', 'Finite Difference', 'Analytic');
xlabel('Time'); ylabel('d/dk z(t)');
title('Sensitivity Of z(t) To k');

plot(t, dzdc_cs, 'r-', t, dzdc_fd, 'b--', t, dzdk_true(t, k, c), 'green');
legend('Complex Step', 'Finite Difference', 'Analytic');
xlabel('Time'); ylabel('d/dc z(t)');
title('Sensitivity Of z(t) To c');